Eurus Officially Joins 4AM After a Two-Months Transfer Process

Eurus Officially Joins 4AM After a Two-Months Transfer Process

Eurus Officially Joins 4AM After a Two-Months Transfer Process

After two months of uncertainty, Zhang "Eurus" Chengjun, formerly known as Paparazi, is finally an official member of 4AM. While Vici Gaming and 4AM agreed on his transfer in September, the latter were not able to pay for the transfer due to financial disagreements with their sponsor Elephant.

Even though the transfer process has concluded only today, for the last two months Eurus, officially being part of Vici Gaming, was allowed to play for 4AM. During this time the team placed second at CDA-FDC Professional Championship. However, this weekend Vici Gaming banned Eurus from playing for 4AM until the transfer completion.

For this reason, 4AM started competing at China Pro Cup Season 2 with a stand-in – in their first series they faced Vici Gaming and lost 1-2.

4AM was formed this October and initially the team had Liu "Sylar" Jiajun on the carry role. However, the player was quickly kicked and replaced by Eurus.


  • Zhang "Eurus" Chengjun
  • Lu "Somnus丶M" Yao
  • Zhou "Yang" Haiyang
  • Xu "fy" Linsen
  • Ru "RedPanda" Zhihao