Solo, Noone, and Zayac Leave to Team Up with SumaiL and RAMZEs

Solo, Noone, and Zayac Leave to Team Up with SumaiL and RAMZEs

Solo, Noone, and Zayac Leave to Team Up with SumaiL and RAMZEs

Alexey "Solo" Berezin, Vladimir "No[o]ne" Minenko and Bakyt "Zayac" Emilzhanov have officially left The players have teamed up with Syed "SumaiL" Hassan and Roman "RAMZES666" Kushnarev and will compete under the Just Error tag.

Solo and No[o]ne have been part of since 2016. During this time, they represented the organization in around 900 matches and brought it 16 trophies. The creation of Just Error marks their reunion with RAMZES, who played with them in from 2016 to 2019.

23-years-old No[o]ne, who has been playing on the middle lane since the beginning of his career, will switch to offlane, making room for Syed Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan, who played on this position in Evil Geniuses between 2015 – 2019, winning The International in 2015 and placing 3rd in both 2016 and 2018.

Just Error will debut later today on 12:00 PM UK Time – they will face Yellow Submarine in the best-of-five series for a ticket to the earlier announced EPIC League 2.

Earlier disbanded their main roster and promoted VP.P players. Igor "iLTW" Filatov and Roman "Resolut1on" Fominok still remain in the organization.